Anchor Internship

If you have the desire to serve the church within your campus and parish communities, we encourage you to apply to be a Campus Ministry Anchor Intern!

The Anchor Internship prepares you to lead and to serve while you grow in your faith. While you learn and train, you can also take on more and more responsibilities in areas such as:

Apply Here for 2024-2025

Applications are due February 12th, 2024.

FAQ's about the Internship

For more information, please contact Mike Urbaniak ( for more details or to set up a time to talk about the internship.

Meet the 2023-24 Interns

  1. Acunin2

    Andrew Acunin

    Asian Student Ministry

  2. Anderson2

    Jordan Anderson

    Black Student Ministry

  3. Garcia2

    Sylvia Garcia

    Latino Student Ministry

  4. Koestner2

    Jake Koestner

    Sacramental Preparation - RCIA

  5. Laporte2

    Catherine LaPorte

    Pastoral Care - Disernment

  6. Muhr2

    Amanda Muhr

    Small Groups

  7. Quilon2

    Christian Quilon

    Sacramental Preparation - Short Course

  8. Walsh2

    Mary Grace Walsh

    Faith and Justice

  9. Wilgenbusch2

    Alyssa Wilgenbusch
