
Faculty Chaplaincy is a ministry that emerges from Holy Cross and Notre Dame’s Catholic tradition and serves all faculty regardless of religious affiliation or no religious affiliation. The emphasis on community at Notre Dame means that all are welcome.  Important to community life and human flourishing are pastoral and spiritual support. Through pastoral availability, a variety of spiritual programming and opportunities for service, connecting people through conversation and social gatherings, support groups, the sacraments, and more, the Faculty Chaplaincy supports a diverse faculty in a demanding academic environment. While there are new and on-going programs available to meet the diverse interest and needs of the faculty, the Faculty Chaplain is always receptive to new initiatives and requests. 

For pastoral needs (death of loved one, illness, spiritual, faith or other concerns) or to offer suggestions, please contact Fr. Frank Murphy, C.S.C., Faculty Chaplain, at fmurphy4@nd.edu or 574-631-5242. 

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is the practice of entering into a conversation with an experienced guide with whom you can discuss your spiritual journey, relationship with God, prayer, and the integration of faith and life.  It can help you become more aware of God’s presence and invitation.  If you have a desire for a deeper relationship with God, want to develop your prayer life, discern a decision or direction in life, or if you are simply looking for guidance in your faith life, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey, spiritual direction may be for you.  Spiritual direction is open to all faculty regardless of church affiliation.   Click on the link below to see the list of spiritual directors available to you on campus, and a few off campus.

A dedicated list of spiritual directors is available to faculty and includes women, men, lay, religious, and priests.

Spiritual Direction Team

Offerings for Faculty

Caregivers Support Group for Faculty & Staff

If you are a Faculty or Staff member who is currently caring for an aging parent, a spouse, or a child with special needs, you are welcome to join the Caregivers Support Group. This group can offer the opportunity to connect with others, share struggles and information about resources in the community, and listen to how others deal with their situations. The group is confidential, non-denominational and all Faculty and Staff are welcome.

  • The Caregivers Group meets monthly on Wednesday from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in room 301 of Coleman-Morse (3rd floor across from the elevator and south stairwell), on the following dates:
    • Wednesday, January 24
    • Wednesday, February 21
    • Wednesday, March 20
    • Wednesday, April 17
    • Wednesday, May 22

Grief Support Group for Faculty & Staff

If you are a Faculty or Staff member who has experienced the death of a loved one--a child, a parent, a spouse, a friend, a colleague, or other loved one, you are welcome to join this group. Grief affects us in many ways, and we all grieve differently. Many people find understanding and healing through sharing their journey with others who have experienced the loss of a loved one. This group is confidential, non-denominational and all Faculty and Staff are welcome. It is an on-going group that you join when you need it and move on when you feel ready to.

  • The Grief Group meets monthly on Tuesdays from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. in room 301 of Coleman-Morse (3rd floor across from the elevator and south stairwell), on the following dates:
    • Tuesday, January 23
    • Tuesday, February 20
    • Tuesday, March 19
    • Tuesday, April 16
    • Tuesday, May 21

Young Singles Community for Faculty and Professional Staff

The Young Singles Community of Notre Dame (YSC) is a social group for Notre Dame Faculty and Professional Staff. It is an on-going group that meets for socials, dinners, game nights, and other events, such as a local wine tour, backyard socials, fruit-picking, axe-throwing, ice skating, and more. If you are interested in participating, look for announcements of upcoming events or contact one of the planning team members to be put on the email list for announcements. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the group. Vanessa Chan (Psychology),  Jen Hames (Psychology), Kelli Getz (Hesburgh Libraries), and Kevin Jacquinot (Turbomachinery Laboratory). Sponsored by Faculty and Staff Chaplaincies.


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