Zion United Church of Christ

United Church of Christ

211 S St Peter St.
South Bend, IN 46617

(574) 233-5446

Pastor - Rev. Mark Roeda


(574) 233-5446

Sunday Services:
Zion United Church of Christ offers a service at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday.  Service is also live streamed.  The service lasts for an hour, followed by fellowship. Bring your Bible. Dress ranges from casual to formal.

Additional Services and Activities:
The church offers an adult class around 11 a.m. on Sunday. We are always looking for special music to share.

We are a Christian community driven by the purposes of Jesus Christ. We are still learning how to worship faithfully in current times. We are an Open & Affirming, Just Peace church. We sometimes host outdoor services during the summer months, as well as setting up booths at local events.